Amanda likes to say that Pilates put her back in the driver’s seat of her own life. She is no stranger to obstacles and the hard work it takes to overcome them.
Amanda grew up as an athlete, playing soccer, field hockey, and golf as a teenager. She found Pilates in 2013 and faced personal and health struggles that affected her personal health and well-being. That changed in 2016, when she decided to make the changes necessary to focus on her health and future.
After taking time to start a family, Amanda found herself back in the Pilates studio with a reinvigorated appreciation for the Pilates method. She appreciated the mind-body connections inherent in the work, not to mention the positive effects on her golf game. By 2022, Amanda knew that Pilates was instrumental in changing her life and wanted to share her passion. In 2023 she completed training workshops through a contemporary Pilates program but was left feeling that she wanted and need more: more knowledge, more understanding, more depth, more guidance. In her search for more, she found the Pilates Lab and never looked back. In 2024, Amanda embarked on and successfully completed Alycea Ungaro’s Real Pilates Teacher Training Program.
At The Pilates Lab, Amanda is known for her commitment to precision and client care. She is patient and thoughtful in her work, encouraging her clients to work through obstacles and reminding them of her personal motto: “You can, you will, and we will do it together.”